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 Author’s Check List

□ Manuscript in MS Word format.
□ Cover letter from the corresponding author.
□ Written in double-spaced standard 12-point font.
□ Presented in the following order (for an original article): title page, Abstract and keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References, tables, and figure legends.
□ All pages numbered consecutively, starting with the title page.
□ Author information page with article title, full name(s) and ORCIDs (open researcher and contributor IDs) of all author, affiliation(s), corresponding author’s e-mail and postal addresses, running title (less than 50 characteristics), and footnote (if any).
□ Up to 250 words, and up to 4,000 words in the main body of the manuscript (for an original article).
□ Up to six relevant MeSH keywords.
□ All tables and figures are referenced in numerical order in the main text.
□ Figure(s) provided as separate files in JPEG, TIFF, EPS, or PPT format at a high resolution.
□ References listed in the correct format. All references listed in the References section are cited in the text.

Editorial Office
Department of Neurology, Seoul National University (SNU) College of Medicine
SMG-SNU Boramae Medical Center
20 Boramaero-5-Gil, Dongjak-Gu, Seoul 07061, Republic of Korea
TEL : +82-2-2266-7238    FAX : +82-2-831-2826   E-mail: acn.journal@e-acn.org
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